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Industries can only use ADDITIVES approved by the governmental authorities who regulate the food and beverage sector. In Brazil, ANVISA authorizes the use of food additives within strict conditions and limits considered as safe.

Additives are used for several reasons, among them, to improve the flavor, keep the bread freshness, texture, and appearance, in addition to ensure safety in the consumption. Additives are used in truly little quantities in relation to the whole dough and are not generally used for all the companies. In the Ital study about industrialized loaves of bread, the additives observed in the sample were:


In a sampling of 70 loaves of bread analyzed in a study conducted by Ital:

  • 59 products do not use and 11 products do not use preservatives;
  • The preservatives used: calcium propionate and potassium sorbate (40 products), calcium propionate and sorbic acid (17 products), calcium propionate (2 products).

Function of PRESERVATIVES used:

SORBIC ACID (INS 201): Organic chemical compound found in the nature. Used to inhibit the growth of a wide variety of yeasts, mould, and bacteria

CALCIUM PROPIONATE (INS 282): Propionic acid salt. Used to delay the mould development, and anti-Rope action(bread bacterial deterioration caused by Bacillus spp., mainly B. subtilis and B. licheniformis.

POTASSIUM SORBATE (INS 202): Sorbic acid salt, organic compound found in the nature. Used to delay the mould development.


The dosage of sorbic acid in the dough is 0.1% (wheat base) and e propionic acid and its salts is 0.1% based on the dry product, and there is no usage limit.


In a sampling of 70 loaves of bread analyzed in a study conducted by Ital:

  • 35 products do not use emulsifiers.
  • Emulsifiers used: calcium lactate stearoyl-2-lactil (23 products), poyisorbate 80 (14), fatty acids mono and diglycerides (14), sodium lactate stearoyl-2-lactil (5), lecithin (5), mono and diglycerides diacetyl tartaric (2).

Function of the EMULSIFIERS used:

MONO AND DIGLYCERIDES (INS 472e): Glycerol by-product stratified with edible fatty acids and mono and diacetyltartaric acid. Its use increase the emulsions stability; they are dough conditioners for baked products, generating a more symmetric appearance to the bread.

SODIUM LACTATE STEAROYL-2-LACTIL (INS 481i): Lactate ester sintered from fatty acid of food quality and lactic acid. Used to increase the emulsions stability; to react with the proteins and reinforce the dough (increase of viscosity); to improve the gas retention and contribute to a grater volume to the bread; it is an bread anti-hardening agent.

CALCIUM LACTATE STEAROYL-2-LACTIL (INS 482): Lactate ester sintered from fatty acid of food quality and lactic acid. It is used to increase the emulsions stability; as a dough conditioners for baked products, generating a more symmetric appearance to the bread.

LECITHIN (INS 322): Obtained from the egg yolk and from many sources of plant-based oils. Its use increase the emulsions stability; increases the dough extensibility, the elasticity and impermeability; it leaves the bred crust softer and with a more uniform texture

POLYSORBATE 80 (INS 433): Chemically, it is the ethoxylate sorbitan monooleate. It is used to increase the emulsions stability; to react with the proteins and reinforce the dough (increase of viscosity); to improve the gas retention and contributes to a grater volume to the bread; it is an bread anti-hardening agent.


Emulsifiers INS 472e, 481i, 482 and 433 are used at the maximum concentration of 0.5%, based on the dry product; INS 433 is used in the maximum concentration of 0.3%, based on the dry product.


In a sampling of 70 loaves of bread analyzed in a study conducted by Ital:

  • 65 products do not use thickeners or stabilizers.
  • Thickeners/stabilizers used: guar gum (2 products), hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (1 product), xantham gum (1 product) and sodium carboxymethylcellulose (1 product).

Function of the THICKENERS/STABILIZERS used:

SODIUM CARBOXYMETHYLCELLULOSE (INS 466):Sodium salt derivate from carboxymethylcellulose. Used as thickening agent that increases the dough viscosity; also used in gluten-free flours to recover the dough softness and elasticity, it contributes to increase the dough volume and to delay its hardening.

XANTHAM GUM (INS 415): It is a polysaccharide formed by polymers containing D-glucose, glucuronic acid and D-mannose. Used as thickening agent that increases the dough viscosity. It also increases the bread dough stability during the freezing and defrosting cycles.

GUAR GUM (INS 412): It is a polysaccharide (galactomannan) formed by polymers of D-galactose and D-mannose. Used as emulsifier and thickener agent that increases the emulsions stability.

HYDROXYPROPYLMETHYLCELLULOSE (INS 464): Polysaccharide produced by the reaction of cellulose with methyl chloride and propylene oxide. Used in association with xantham starch in gluten-free flours, to recover the dough softness and elasticity.


In a sampling of 70 loaves of bread analyzed in a study conducted by Ital:

  • 37 products do not use dough enhancer
  • Ascorbic acid (26 products) is the most used dough enhancer;
  • Other dough enhancers: monocalcium phosphate (14 products), ammonium chloride (9), citric acid (2) and tricalcium phosphate (1).

Functions of the DOUGH ENHANCERS used:

ASCORBIC ACID ((INS 300): Vitamin C. Used to enhance the formation of gluten network, strengthening the dough and increasing its volume; to reduce the extensibility and to increase the dough elasticity, providing a better volume, thinner and uniform texture to the bread.

CITRIC ACID (INS 330): Weak light salt. Used to acidify or regulate the dough acidity.

AMMONIUM CHLORIDE (INS 510): Inorganic chemical compound, salt soluble in water. Used to acidify or regulate the dough acidity.

MONOCALCIUM PHOSPHATE (INS 341i) AND TRICALCIUM PHOSPHATE (INS 341iii): Inorganic compound present in all foods. Used to enhance the dough properties; together with the chemical yeast it foster the gas production.


In the dough, the concentration of ascorbic acid is 0.04%; citric acid in a quantity enough to obtain the desired technological function; ammonium chloride at the concentration of 0,14%.


In a sampling of 70 loaves of bread analyzed in a study conducted by Ital:

  • 66 products do not use acidulants.
  • 4 products use LACTIC ACID as acidulant.

Function of the ACIDULANTS used:

LACTIC ACID ((INS 270): Organic acid naturally present in fermented products. Its use acidifies or regulates the dough acidity; improves the final product quality; balances the flour enzymatic activity; improves the flour; prevents bacteria from developing.


In the dough, the lactic acid can be used in a quantity enough to obtain the desired technological function.


In a sampling of 70 loaves of bread analyzed in a study conducted by Ital:

  • 60 products do not use flavorings.
  • 10 products use FLAVORINGS.

Function of FLAVORINGS used:

FLAVORINGS: Natural, identical to natural, and artificial aromas. Used to provide or intensify flavor.