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Industries can only use ADDITIVES approved by the governmental authorities who regulate the food and beverage sector. In Brazil, ANVISA authorizes the use of food additives within strict conditions and limits considered as safe.

Additives are used for several reasons, among them, to improve the flavor, keep the beverages freshness, texture, and appearance, in addition to ensure safety in the consumption. Additives are used in truly little quantities in relation to the whole products and are not generally used for all the companies. In the Ital study about industrialized juices, the additives observed in the sample were:


In a sampling of 217 juices analyzed in a study conducted by Ital:

  • 21 products use acesulfame potassium or sucralose and 9 products use steviol glycosides.
  • Functions of the SWEETENERS used:

    ACESULFAME-K (INS 950): synthetic potassium salt obtained from an acid compound from the acetic acid family. Used to replace sucrose, to reduce the quantities of calories in the product, to make light/diet products.

    SUCRALOSE (INS 957): sweetener without calories derived from sucrose. Used to replace sucrose, to reduce the quantities of calories in the product, to make light/diet products.

    STEVIOL GLYCOSIDES (INS 960): are a natural component of Stevia rebaudiana. Used to replace sucrose, to reduce the quantities of calories in the product, to make light/diet products.


    The acceptable daily intake (ADI) for acesulfame-K and sucralose i 15 mg/kg of body weight; and for steviol glycosides, 4 mg/kg (Reference year 2020).


    In the sample of 217 juices analyzed in a study conducted by do Ital:

    • Preservatives are present in only 4.6% of products.
    • 9 products use potassium sorbate and 6, sodium benzoate.

    Functions of the PRESERVATIVES used:

    SORBATE POTASSIUM (INS 202): potassium salt originated form the sorbic acid. its use delays the development of mould.

    SODIUM BENZOATE (INS 211): organic chemical compound synthesized from benzoic acid and sodium hydroxide. Its use inhibits the growth of a wide variety of yeasts, mould, and bacteria.


    The maximum concentration allowed is 0.1 g/100 ml, expressed in sorbic acid, for potassium sorbate, it is 0.1 g/100 ml, expressed in benzoic acid, for sodium benzoate (Reference year 2020).


    In the sample of 217 juices analyzed in a study conducted by Ital:

    • 47.0% of the products do not use aromas and flavorings.
    • 107 beverages use natural aromas; 7, synthetic aromas identical to natural and only 1, uses artificial aroma.

    Functions of the FLAVORINGS used:

    Flavoring are used to define, highlight and/or give flavor to a food.

    NATURAL AROMAS: Obtained by microbiological, physical or enzymatic methods, from natural raw materials.

    SYNTHETIC AROMAS IDENTICAL TO NATURAL: Obtained by synthesis or isolated by chemical processes from animal-based, plant-based or microbial raw materials that present a chemical structure identical to the substances present in the referred raw materials.

    ARTIFICIAL AROMAS: Obtained by synthesis, which still has not been identified in animal-based, plant-based or microbial products.


    Only natural aromas authorized in Mercosur are allowed. They should be used in a quantity enough to obtain the desired technological effect (quantum satis). 


    In the sample of 217 juices analyzed in a study conducted by Ital:

    • 87.1% of the products do not use dyes.
    • 9 beverages use natural dyes; 5 use artificial dyes and none of them use synthetic dies identical to natural.

    Function of DYES used:

    Dyes are used to reestablish the product original appearance after the production process, make the food visually more attractive and give or reinforce the colors already present.

    NATURAL DYES (carmine, carotene, beta carotene, anthocyanins, urucum, chlorophyll, curcuma): Obtained from vegetable or, eventually, from animal.

    SYNTHETIC DIES IDENTICAL TO NATURAL (caramel IV): Obtained from organic synthesis and are not found in natural products.

    ARTIFICIAL DYES (twilight yellow, tartrazine yellow, bright blue, red 40, erythrosine): Obtained from organic synthesis and are not found in natural products.


    All the dyes authorized as Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in Mercosur are allowed. They should be used in a quantity enough to obtain the desired technological effect (quantum satis).


    In the sample of 217 juices analyzed in a study conducted by Ital:

    • 79,7 % of the products do not use thickeners/stabilizers.
    • In beverages, it was used: pectin (3 products); sodium carboxymethilcellulose (12); xantham gum (30); guar gum (1) and acacia gum (2).

    Functions of the THICKENERS/STABILIZERS used:

    PECTIN (INS 440): polysaccharide soluble in water, present in the vegetable tissue cellular walls, especially in citric fruits. Used as stabilizing agent, which leaves juice more homogeneous and as thickener, increasing the product viscosity.

    SODIUM CARBOXYMETHYLCELLULOSE (INS 466): sodium salt derivate from carboxymethylcellulose. Used as stabilizing agent, which leaves juice more homogeneous and as thickener, increasing the product viscosity.

    GUAR GUM (INS 142): hydrocolloid isolated from the Cyamopsis tetragonolobus seeds. Used as stabilizing agent, which leaves juice more homogeneous and as thickener, increasing the product viscosity.

    XANTHAM GUM(INS 415): hydrocolloid produced via fermentation by the bacterium Xanthomonascampestris. Used as stabilizing agent, which leaves juice more homogeneous and as thickener, increasing the product viscosity.

    ACACIA GUM (INS 414): natural resin composed of polysaccharides, and glycoproteins. In juices, it is used as fiver, even though it can play the function as stabilizer and thickener, increasing the product viscosity.


    Pectin should be used in a quantity enough to obtain the desired(quantum satis). And sodium carboxymethilcellulose has a maximum concentration allowed of 0.3 g/100 ml; and gums (guar, xantham and acacia), in he maximum concentration of 0.1 g/ 100 ml.


    In the sample of 217 juices analyzed in a study conducted by Ital:

    • 59.9 % of the products do not use acidulants and acidity regulators.
    • In beverages, it was used: citric acid (86 products); malic acid (2) and sodium citrate (3).


    CITRIC ACID (INS 330): weak organic acid naturally present in living beings and is industrially produced by sugar leavening by the fungus Aspergillus niger. It is added mainly to acidify and/or regulate the acidity. However, it can leave a firmer and homogeneous texture, and also be a sequestering agent in juices.

    MALIC ACID (INS 296): organic acid naturally found in fruits, such as apple and pear. In juices, it is used with the main function of acidulant/acidity regulator.

    SODIUM CITRATE (INS 331iii): weak organic salt formed by citric acid total neutralization. In juices, it is used with the main function of acidulant/acidity regulator.


    It should be used in a quantity enough to obtain the desired technological effect (quantum satis).


    In the sample of 217 juices analyzed in a study conducted by Ital:

    • 51,2 % of the products do not use antioxidants.
    • In beverages, it was used: ascorbic acid (105 products); sodium metabisulfite (4) and sulphur dioxide (1).

    Functions of the ANTIOXIDANTS used:

    ASCORBIC ACID (INS 300): vitamin C. Used to prevent oxidation, ant it also has a preservative action.

    SODIUM METABISULFITE (INS 223): inorganic chemical compound that, when mixed with water, released sulphur dioxide (SO2), responsible for the antioxidant effect. Used to prevent oxidation, and also has a preservative action.

    SULPHUR DIOXIDE (INS 220): inorganic chemical compound. Used to prevent oxidation, and also has a preservative action.


    Ascorbic acid should be used in a quantity enough to obtain the desired technological effect (quantum satis). And the sodium metabisulfite and sulphur dioxide have a maximum allowed concentration of 0.005 g/100 ml (in residual SO2), alone or in combination with other antioxidant.


    In the sample of 217 juices analyzed in a study conducted by Ital:

    • 95.9 % of the products do not use anti-foaming.
    • 9 beverages use dimethyl polysiloxan.

    Function of the ANTI-FOAMING used:

    DIMETHYL POLYSILOXANE (INS 900a): mix of linear siloxane polymers, belonging to a group of polymeric organosilicones, usually called silicones. Dimethyl polysiloxane (PDMS) is the most used silicone based on organic polymers. In juice, it prevents or reduces foam from forming.


    The maximum concentration of PDMS is 0.001 g/100 ml.