A number of records evidence that chocolate, in the form it is consumed these days, had the fermented cocoa beverages in ancient civilizations as precursor, thousands of years ago, and from the 17th century, sweet chocolate beverages gained popularity in Europe. Afterwards, the technological innovations originated the powder chocolate, the pure and milk chocolate bars, and the chocolate in different shapes and flavor combinations. The robust growth in demand along the last centuries enabled the small chocolate factories to change into large industries that market products with worldwide known brands.

12th century. Mayan and Aztec cultures used cocoa beverages in sacred rituals.

XV and XVI centuries. Cocoa seeds, from America,are introduced in European countries, such as Spain, France, German and Switzerland.

17th century. The consumption of chocolate beverage is widespread in Europe, mainly among the wealthiest, gaining popularity due to its nutritional and functional properties

17th century. The use of chocolate in confectionery has records in recipes published in works like Cuisinier Roial et Bourgeois de Massialot (1702), France, and Mrs Mary Eales’s Receipts (1718), London.

XIX centuty. Easter eggs popularization to celebrate Easter

1814. Cemoi chocolate factory foundation (current name), in Arles-sur-Tech, France.

1876. In Vevey, Switzerland, the chocolatier Daniel Peter developed the technique of adding milk to the chocolate and produced the first milk chocolate bars.

1879. Invention of a machine for chocolate conche, a process that improves the texture and flavor, by the Swiss chocolatier Rodolphe Lindt.

1926. Beginning of the chocolate production, type praline, of brand Godiva

1957. Foundation of an entity dedicated to the chocolate industries in Brazil, currently Brazilian Association of Cocoa, Chocolate, Peanut and Candies (Abicab).