Ingredients and additives used by the industry are considered as safe for consumption, and its use is authorized by ANVISA (Ministry of Health)
Ingredients and additives contained in processed food need approval from the competent authority, after the safety for human consumption is proved. ANVISA, National Health Surveillance Agency from Ministry of health, authorizes the use of food additives, within strict conditions and limits considered as safe. The authorization criteria are very strict.
Learn about the data about food additives safety:
- The studies conducted by Ital, about the content of ingredients stated in the labels of many industrialized products, describe the additives used, reasons to use other information.
- In Brazil, the Decree no. No. 540 – SVS/MS, from October 27th, 1997, regulates and establishes the fundamental principles to use additives in food.
- The national and international authorities who control the additives.
- Regulatory authorities and food and beverages safety guarantee.
- Reasons to use the food additives.