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Along the time, manufacturers have promoted the products diversification in order to meet the demands of different types of consumers such as, for example, premium bread for kids audience, sportsman, allergic people, among others. Following this trend, the innovations were guided according to the consumption trends that had been progressively arising. Currently, in the loaf of bread category, the market offers various products that meet the customers’ different preferences, such as, for example, bread enriched with fibers, fat and sodium reduction, gluten-free and lactose-free, natural and organic leavening.

In Brazil, the bakery industry is well-developed and markets products suitable to the consumer market trend, a fact highlighted in the study Brasil Bakery & Confectionery Trends 2020 ( This study pointed out five consumption macro-trends that determine, mostly, the offer of the types of industrialized products from the bakery areas: Control and Adequacy, Nutrition and Functionality, Naturalness and Authenticity, Premium Products and Experience, and Sustainability and Transparency.

Control and Adequacy

According to the Control and Adequacy macrotrend, many consumers have been attempting to control the consumption of food with higher content of salt, sugar, and fats. It has driven the reformulation of bakery products so that they can be suitable to this macrotrend.

The products reformulation in the industry has promoted the reduction and/or replacement of fats, sugar, and sodium in many marketed items. For example, many brands of loaves of bread in the market that present 0% trans fat and 0% cholesterol, sugar free and with lower quantities of sodium. It is important to note that, in addition to the reformulation voluntarily made by the companies, there are agreements signed by the industries with the Ministry of Health, by means of ABIMAPI and ABIA, with goals to reduce fat, sodium, and sugar from industrialized products (

Nutrition and Functionality

The Nutrition and Functionality macrotrend reveals the increasingly growth in demand for more nutritive products and/or with specific benefits for the physical and mental health. Many consumers are seeking for a general improving their quality of life, from food with a potential to increase the performance, improve immunity and prevention of diseases (such as, for example, those related to the cardiovascular system).

This macrotrend has promoted the the development of new fortified or nutritionally enriched products. In the bakery sector, there are already many products with whole flour, addition of fibers, ancestor grains, wheat, chestnuts, chia, quinoa, fruits, etc.

Naturalness and Authenticity

According to the Naturalness and Authenticity macrotrend, consumers have been looking for options seen as home-made, natural, without artificial additives, allergenic substances or others, such as lactose and gluten.

It occurs even tough existing contradiction between what consumers believe and the reality. For example, additives are considered as safe for authorities of health area. A similar situation occurs with gluten, which is bade for celiac people, but not for people in general.

Even though traditional items containing additives, gluten and lactose are considered safe, industries have been developing products with simplified formulas of natural leavening, with addition of ingredients that consumers are appreciating, such as natural aromas, whole grains, chestnuts, honey, spices, etc.

Premium products and Experience

The Premium Products and Experience macrotrend characterizes the increase of the food consumption standards by the society, giving value to products with noble ingredients, tastier, with unprecedented flavor, fresh, and produced in an artisanal way. The more natural and nutritive products also gain highlight in the market.

In order to keep up with this macrotrend, industries have developed new products claiming for a better quality (premium, gourmet etc.), that provide new consumption experiences, more sophisticated products for the most demanding consumers who are willing to pay more for items with a higher added value.

Sustainability and Transparency

The Sustainability and Transparency macrotrend represents the valuation of the way industrialized food is made and also the importance attributed to the manufacturers social and environmental responsibility. It has promoted the increase in the demand for organic products and with environmental certifications. On the other hand, consumers want clear information about the ingredients used and the types of processes used in the manufacturing.

This macrotrend has generated a higher investment in traditional industries in the organic products production and also the emergence of new companies totally devoted to the food production focused on the many sustainability dimensions: social, environmental, and economic.

Learn about the complete study on Industrialized Bread!